Browning Home Safety Product 07 137 User Manual

P R O S T E E L S A F E S  
owner’s manual  
Important Operating Instructions for:  
C o n t e n t s  
P a g e  
Thank You for Purchasing a Browning ProSteel Safe............................2  
Inspecting Your Safe ................................................................................3  
UL Tool Attack Listing.............................................................................3  
Fire Protection Rating .............................................................................3  
Water and Fire Damage...........................................................................4  
Rust Danger to Guns ...............................................................................4  
Safe Serial Number ..................................................................................4  
Placement of Your Safe............................................................................4  
Moving the Safe .......................................................................................6  
Removing the Safe Door .........................................................................6  
Anchoring Your Safe to the Floor ...........................................................8  
Anchoring Your Safe to a Wall ..............................................................10  
Operating the (Dial) Combination Lock .............................................13  
Electronic Locks.....................................................................................14  
Lost Combination..................................................................................15  
Lock Maintenance..................................................................................15  
Changing the Combination ..................................................................16  
Keylock ...................................................................................................16  
Door Closure Adjustment .....................................................................17  
Fire Seal ..................................................................................................17  
Shear Pin ................................................................................................18  
Shelf Adjustment....................................................................................18  
Factory Installed Interior Lights ...........................................................19  
Warranty Service....................................................................................22  
Limited Materials and Workmanship Warranty..................................22  
ProSteel Fire and Break-in Limited Warranty......................................24  
B r o w n i n g P r o s t e e l s a f e s  
If you have any questions about your new safe, this  
owner’s manual or other Browning products, contact:  
Browning Consumer Information  
One Browning Place  
Morgan, UT 84050-9326  
Phone: (801) 876-2711  
Please use the space below to record information about  
your new safe.  
Model __________________________________________________  
Serial Number ____________________________________________  
Purchased From __________________________________________  
Date of Purchase __________________________________________  
t h a n k y o u f o r P u r C h a s i n g a  
B r o w n i n g P r o s t e e l s a f e .  
A Browning ProSteel safe is the finest home security safe available. With  
proper care and installation it will provide you many years of peace of  
mind, security and fire protection (fire-resistant models only).  
i n s P e C t i n g y o u r s a f e  
Upon receipt of your safe, you should immediately inspect it for any  
damage that may have occurred during shipping. If your safe was  
commercially delivered and you detect any damage, call the shipping  
company that delivered your safe and report the damage.  
Your Browning ProSteel safe is a security safe designed to protect your  
valuable personal property from theft by increasing the time it takes for  
a thief to access your valuables. Most successful burglaries occur within  
minutes of a criminal entering a home or business. A security safe slows  
down a criminal and makes it more difficult to access your valuables  
quickly. Your Browning ProSteel safe is the most cost-effective deterrent  
to theft available on the market today. DO NOT HOWEvER, ASSUME  
IMPORTANT: Any damage, concealed or otherwise, not noted on the  
delivery receipt must be reported to the shipping company within 15  
days of delivery.  
Your safe comes bolted to its shipping pallet. You will need to remove  
the black plastic covers in the safe floor to access the bolts. Use a ½"  
socket wrench to remove the bolts.  
deterrent and a delaying device. You can make it even more effective by  
placing it in the right location and anchoring it to the floor and wall.  
The safe door is heavy. do noT open The safe while locaTed on  
an uneven or unsTable floor or on plush carpeT. The weighT of  
The open door could cause The safe To Tip forward. see  
insTrucTions on page 8 for “anchoring your safe.” failure To  
follow This warning could resulT in serious injury or deaTh.  
Browning ProSteel fire safes offer similar protection against fire. They  
are fire-resistant, not fireproof. DO NOT ASSUME A FIRE-RESISTANT  
Browning ProSteel fire-resistant safes are evaluated in a controlled  
test environment to assure that the safe’s interior temperature does  
not exceed 350° F for the amount of time and temperature exposure  
as stated on the door label placed on each safe. Different models of  
Browning ProSteel safes have different fire ratings, and a longer time  
rating indicates more fire resistance compared to a safe with a shorter  
rating. You can improve your fire-resistant safe’s ability to protect your  
valuables from fire by placing it in an appropriate location in your  
home. Follow the instructions under “Placement of Your Safe” on  
page 4. A safe is just one part of protecting your valuables. Adequate  
homeowner’s insurance coverage should also be maintained.  
u l t o o l at ta C k l i s t i n g  
Browning ProSteel safes carry the UL tool attack label certifying  
the design and construction have been tested by Underwriters  
Laboratories® and passed the Residential Security Container  
test specifications.  
f i r e P r o t e C t i o n r at i n g  
Browning ProSteel fire safes carry a fire rating to help you compare the  
different levels of fire resistance offered. To develop the fire ratings,  
safes are subjected to a rigorous fire test. Sample safes are placed in a  
gas furnace and heated for the amount of time stated to the peak  
temperature in the rating. Temperatures are monitored in several  
locations throughout the safe. In order to pass the test, the safe interior  
temperature must not exceed 350° F in any sensor location.  
Special fire considerations: Browning ProSteel fire-resistant safes are  
rated to withstand the time and temperature stated on the rating label.  
However, when a home burns some portions of that fire may burn at  
more than 2000° F. Placement of your safe away from potential hot  
spots of the fire will improve the chances of your safe and contents  
surviving a home fire. WHILE THERE IS NO GUARANTEE  
wat e r a n d f i r e d a m a g e  
Should your safe be exposed to fire or water, the fire-resistant  
properties of the insulation will be compromised. Do not continue  
to store valuable items in such a safe. Check with your insurance  
agent to determine if your policy will replace the safe, in addition  
to other household items.  
r u s t d a n g e r t o g u n s  
If your safe is in a fire, remove your guns as soon as possible  
KITCHEN — Most home fires begin in the kitchen area because  
of open flames from cooking and flammable materials like grease,  
cooking oils, wood cabinets, etc.  
to clean and lubricate them.  
s a f e s e r i a l n u m B e r  
Your safe’s serial number is located on a label in the upper right-hand  
corner of the rear exterior of the safe. Do not remove it. You will need  
the serial number should warranty concerns arise. Since the safe will  
probably be placed against a wall, you should record the serial number  
on the first page of this owner’s manual, or in another secure location,  
prior to installation. Do not lock the recorded serial number inside  
the safe. You will need this serial number in case you lose your  
combination or if the safe fails to open.  
GARAGE — Keep your safe as far away from the garage as  
possible. Flammable liquids, automobiles and small engines can  
start fires and flammable liquids and other chemicals stored in the  
garage can fuel the fire.  
FURNACE OR WATER HEATER — Open flames in these areas  
may cause fires to start, and gas lines provide additional fuel.  
firewood, black powder, smokeless powder, gasoline, propane,  
paint and thinners or any other flammable material.  
P l a C e m e n t o f y o u r s a f e  
For maximum protection against theft, fire and weather exposure,  
placement of your safe within your home is crucial. Place your safe  
where it is not visible from windows or normal traffic areas. The best  
way to protect your valuables is to keep them from being targeted in  
the first place.  
UPPER FLOORS OF THE HOME — Heat rises and the upper  
floors burn the hottest. The safe may fall through the floor if the  
fire damages the joist structure. A fall from the upper floor may  
damage the safe and break the fire seal around the door.  
BASEMENT CENTER — In a catastrophic home fire, burning  
timbers, etc. from upper floors will cave in toward the center of  
the basement floor and burn at an extremely high temperature.  
Placing your safe away from exterior doors and windows also makes  
it more difficult and more time consuming for thieves to get your  
valuables out of your home. Time is the crucial element. Thieves want  
to get in and out of your home quickly. A time-consuming job is a  
strong deterrent. The best location for your safe is in a basement, away  
from windows, behind a locked door.  
The best positioning for fire protection is in your basement, against an  
outside wall, away from areas where a fire is likely to start or burn  
exceptionally hot.  
which allow the door to open 180° and be removed for easier home  
installation. The external hinge system in no way compromises security  
because there are locking bolts around the perimeter of the door, and  
even with the hinges removed the door is secured by the locking bolts.  
Notice! your browning prosTeel safe is noT designed for  
exTerior use. exposing your safe To rain, moisTure or high  
humidiTy can cause rusT and damage To The lock and oTher  
parTs of The safe. The painTed exTerior finish is designed for  
inTerior use only and will noT wiThsTand direcT conTacT wiTh  
waTer or moisTure wiThouT damage. The safe boTTom is lighTly  
finished meTal. iT will rusT if exposed To a weT floor. high  
humidiTy can cause The safe boTTom To rusT if The carpeT below  
iT absorbs moisTure. if you place your safe on carpeT, you  
should proTecT your carpeT from rusT sTains by placing a  
sheeT of clear plasTic beTween The safe and carpeT. damage  
To your safe from exposure To moisTure and high humidiTy is  
noT warranTed.  
The safe door is heavy and can be as much as 3 of The ToTal  
weighT of The safe. should you choose To remove iT, be sure To  
have enough people help supporT The weighT of The door and  
care should be Taken To avoid dropping iT, which could cause  
damage or personal injury To yourself or oThers. failure To  
follow This warning could resulT in serious injury or deaTh.  
The door may be removed by opening it enough to clear the door frame  
(approximately 110°) and lifting straight up. Re-installing the door is  
simplified if the lower hinge is adjusted prior to removing the door.  
m o V i n g t h e s a f e  
r e m o V i n g t h e s a f e d o o r  
With the door closed, use a 5/32" Allen wrench and turn the bolt  
located in the bottom piece of the bottom hinge four half-turns  
your browning prosTeel safe is very heavy. exTreme care  
should be used when moving This or any oTher large, heavy  
iTem To avoid injury To yourself or oThers. we sTrongly  
recommend using a professional mover To move your safe.  
failure To follow This warning could resulT in serious injury  
or deaTh.  
counterclockwise (looking down  
at the hinge).  
figure 1  
With the door open (clear of the  
frame) have two or more people  
support the door and lift it  
straight up and off the hinges.  
Care should be taken to lift  
straight up to avoid damaging  
the hinge pins (Figure 1).  
Some considerations that need to be addressed when moving your  
safe into your home are:  
• The load your floors and stairs will bear.  
• Tile or other floors that could be damaged.  
• Doorways or furniture that could be damaged.  
• Stairs or corners you will need to navigate.  
r e - i n s ta l l i n g t h e s a f e d o o r  
With two or more people  
supporting the door, position  
the door hinges above the pins  
on the bottom hinge pieces on  
the safe.  
r e m o V i n g t h e s a f e d o o r  
Most Browning ProSteel safes have external hinges (except Compact  
Series safes which feature a non-removable, internal hinge design),  
door must be clear of frame to remove. lift  
straight up to avoid damaging bolts.  
a n C h o r i n g t o  
C o n C r e t e f l o o r  
figure 2  
Lower the door onto the bottom hinge first, then onto the top pin.  
Important: Pre-drill the holes  
in the safe back and floor prior  
to anchoring the safe to the floor  
or wall.  
When both the top and bottom hinges are aligned lower the door  
completely down.  
Close the door and use a 5/32" Allen wrench to turn the Allen bolt  
located in the bottom piece of the bottom hinge four half-turns  
clockwise (looking down at the hinge).  
Remove the safe interior  
shelving, floor panel and  
elevation brace. See removal  
instructions under “Shelf  
Adjustment" on page 18.  
Open and close the door several times to make sure it  
swings smoothly.  
IMPORTANT: Hardened steel ball bearings are located below the  
hinge pins within the hinge housing. Do not lose these bearings while  
the door is off of the safe. Care should be taken not to damage the  
paint while removing or re-installing the door.  
Measure and mark four anchor  
holes 2" from the safe corners.  
Use a minimum of 3/8" x 4"  
anchor holes should be placed in the corners.  
expansion-type anchor bolts and  
1¾" steel washers inside the safe  
a n C h o r i n g y o u r s a f e t o t h e f l o o r  
Placing your safe on a concrete floor and anchoring it to the floor and  
wall behind it provides the maximum protection for your valuables.  
Many common attacks on security safes involve tipping the safe over  
on its back. You can reduce the chances of an effective attack by  
preventing your safe from being tipped or moved.  
floor to reinforce it at the anchor positions (Figure 2).  
Elevate the safe by placing it on 2" x 4" wood braces. Place the  
2" x 4" wood braces flat on the floor and slide one brace under the  
front of the safe and one brace under the rear of the safe, elevating  
the safe 1½".  
Notice! drilling holes in The wall of a fire safe reduces The  
effecTiveness of The fire-resisTanT maTerial. if holes are  
drilled in The safe body, holes musT be sealed wiTh a high-  
TemperaTure silicone caulking. failure To do so may allow hoT  
gases To enTer your safe during a fire, which could damage  
your valuables.  
Use a 2" wood bit to drill through the fire-resistant floor material  
to expose the steel floor. (Not required on models that are not  
Drill a ½" hole through the center of each anchor point in the  
safe floor.  
Place the safe exactly where you want to anchor it and mark  
the floor through the holes in the safe bottom.  
always wear eye and ear proTecTion when using a drill or  
oTher power Tools To prevenT The possibiliTy of dusT or debris  
from conTacTing your eyes, resulTing in injury. always use a  
dusT mask To prevenT inhalaTion of poTenTially harmful dusT.  
Remove the safe and drill anchor holes in the floor with a 3/8  
masonry bit.  
Reposition the safe over the holes and install the expansion  
anchors and washers through the safe floor.  
figure 3  
IMPORTANT: Pre-drill wall anchor holes in the safe prior to  
anchoring the safe to the floor or wall. See Anchoring Your  
Safe to a Wall” on page 10.  
Fill the 2" openings in the fire-resistant material with high  
temperature silicone caulking. The caulking will seal the opening  
and prevent hot gases from entering the safe during a fire. (Not  
required on models that are not fire-resistant.)  
10 Replace the floor panel, elevation brace and interior shelving.  
a n C h o r i n g t o  
J o i s t f l o o r  
Important: Pre-drill the pass-through holes in the safe back and floor  
prior to anchoring the safe to the floor or wall.  
Follow steps 1 – 5 above, but use 3/8" x 4" lag bolts.  
mark 2" from the top and each side of the safe wall to locate anchor holes.  
Remove the safe and drill holes in the floor with a 5/16" wood bit.  
Reposition the safe over the holes and install the lag bolts and  
washers through the safe floor. Important: Pre-drill wall anchor  
holes in the safe prior to anchoring the safe to the floor or wall.  
See Anchoring to a Wall” on page 10.  
Measure 2" from the top and each side of the safe’s top interior  
corners. Mark these spots on the safe’s interior with a marker  
(Figure 3).  
Using a sharp utility knife cut a 2" x 2" “X” in the carpet where you  
marked. Tape the carpet flaps open using masking tape. Use a 2"  
wood bit to drill though the fire-resistant insulation. Do not attempt  
to drill through the steel safe body with the wood bit.  
Fill the 2" openings in the fire-resistant material with high  
temperature silicone caulking. The caulking will seal the opening  
and prevent hot gases from entering the safe during a fire. (Not  
required on models that are not fire-resistant.)  
Use a ½" high-speed bit designed for drilling metal to drill through  
the steel safe wall. Once you have drilled though the fire-resistant  
material and safe body, mark the center of your holes on the wall.  
Replace the floor panel, elevation brace and interior shelving.  
a n C h o r i n g y o u r s a f e t o a wa l l  
Anchoring to a wall, in addition to the floor, further strengthens your  
anchoring system. (Without wall anchors, the height of the safe allows  
it to be used as a lever to pry against the floor anchors.)  
Remove the safe and use a 3/8" masonry bit to drill the anchor holes.  
Reposition the safe over the holes and install the expansion anchors  
and washers through the safe interior. Use a minimum of 3/8" x 4"  
expansion-type anchor bolts and 1¾" steel washers inside the safe  
body to reinforce the safe wall at the anchor position.  
a n C h o r i n g t o  
m a s o n ry wa l l  
Fill the holes in the safe interior with high-temperature silicone  
caulking and reposition the carpeting “X” cut out. The caulking will  
hold the carpet in place.  
IMPORTANT: Pre-drill the holes in the safe back and floor prior to  
anchoring the safe to the floor or wall.  
a n C h o r i n g t o  
f r a m e d wa l l  
Drill down 2" from the top of the safe on each of these stud  
centers (Figure 4). Mark these spots on the safe’s interior with a  
marker. Using a sharp utility knife, cut a 2" x 2" “X” in the carpet  
on your marks.  
IMPORTANT: Pre-drill the holes in the safe back and floor prior to  
anchoring the safe to the floor or wall.  
Anchoring to a framed wall requires the location of your anchor holes  
align with the center of your wall studs, which are normally spaced  
16" on-center. However, you must check to verify the actual position  
of the studs before drilling your safe.  
Move the safe away from the wall and, using a high-speed bit  
designed for drilling metal, drill through the steel safe wall.  
Use a 2" wood bit to drill though the fire-resistant insulation. Do  
not attempt to drill through the steel safe body with the wood bit.  
To align your safe and mounting holes with the studs, place a piece  
of masking tape across the top-rear edge of your safe. Measure and  
mark the center of your safe on the tape.  
Reposition the safe on your centerline marks against the wall and  
mark the hole centers on the wall of the house.  
Use a 5/16" wood bit to drill the pilot holes through the sheet rock  
and stud. Next install 3/8" x 3½" lag bolts through a 1¾" diameter  
steel washer through the safe body and into the stud. Tighten all  
anchor bolts.  
Find the centers of the studs and mark them on the wall where  
they can be seen above the safe. Find the midpoint between the  
stud centers and mark it as well. The centerline of the safe and the  
centerline of the studs should align with the safe in place.  
Mark the centerline of the safe interior. Measure the distance from  
the stud centerline to each stud center (approximately 8"). Measure  
out from the centerline in your safe interior this same distance to  
locate the two stud center lines within your safe (Figure 4).  
Fill the 2" holes in the safe interior with high-temperature silicone  
caulking and reposition the carpeting “X” cut out. The caulking  
will hold the carpet in place.  
o P e r at i n g t h e ( d i a l ) C o m B i n at i o n l o C k  
figure 4  
o P e n i n g t h e s a f e  
Turn the dial counterclockwise (left) four times, passing the first  
number in your combination three times and stopping on it the  
fourth time.  
safe Centerline  
stud Center  
stud Center  
Turn the dial clockwise (right) three times, passing the second  
number in your combination two times and stopping on it the  
third time.  
Turn the dial counterclockwise (left) two times, passing the  
third number in your combination once and stopping on it  
the second time.  
Turn the dial clockwise (right) until it stops, which is normally  
around 95.  
Carefully measure the distance between stud centers in your home.  
Turn your safe handle clockwise to open the safe door.  
You should immediately change the combination of the electronic  
lock from the factory default code. The lock instructions outline the  
process to program a new electronic lock combination.  
IMPORTANT: If you miss any combination number by more than 1  
dial mark your safe will not open. Make sure you are looking straight  
down at the index marks. Make sure to align the numbers with the  
center index line located at the 12 o’clock position. If the safe does  
not open, try turning the safe handle firmly counterclockwise before  
re-dialing the combination.  
IMPORTANT: Record the combination you select, as the factory will  
not have any record of the combination you choose. If you forget the  
combination on your electronic lock there is no easy way to open the  
safe, so please record the new combination in one or more secure  
locations outside the safe.  
l o C k i n g t h e s a f e  
You still must record the serial number of the safe with an electronic  
lock as it will be required for any warranty or service needs.  
Close the door with the locking bolts retracted.  
Turn the safe handle counterclockwise (left) to extend the bolts  
into the door frame after the door is closed.  
l o s t C o m B i n at i o n  
You are strongly encouraged to keep a backup copy of your  
Turn the combination dial counterclockwise (left) at least three  
times to lock the bolts in place.  
combination in a hidden and secure location. To protect the safety of  
your combination, we will not release combinations without a security  
check. We do not maintain any ownership information on gun safes,  
and combinations are tracked only by serial number. If you lose your  
combination, we will only release it upon completion of a security  
check process that requires your safe’s serial number and several other  
steps. Your safe’s serial number is located on the upper right-hand  
corner of the rear of the safe. There is a place to record this serial  
number on the first page of this owner’s manual.  
IMPORTANT: You must first close the door and then turn your safe  
handle counterclockwise to extend the bolts before turning the dial to  
properly lock the door in place. If the dial is turned while the door is  
open and the bolts are extended (handle turned clockwise) the door  
will be “locked open.This is easily fixed by following the unlocking  
procedure previously mentioned, immediately followed by the locking  
procedure listed above.  
l o C k m a i n t e n a n C e  
To prevenT someone from inadverTenTly becoming locked inside  
your safe, always keep your safe in a locked condiTion, even if  
your valuables are noT inside. failure To do so could resulT in  
serious injury or deaTh.  
Your combination lock should not require any maintenance.  
Do not spray or apply any lubrication to any lock parts. If your  
dial is difficult to turn, there is a problem with the lock mechanism.  
Lubrication will not solve the problem. Contact our warranty service  
number for assistance (page 22).  
e l e C t r o n i C l o C k s  
If your safe is equipped with a factory installed electronic lock,  
instructions for the lock are inside the safe. No maintenance is  
required for the electronic lock, other than changing the battery  
by following the directions in the lock instructions.  
Should your keylock stick or be difficult to turn, you can put a small  
drop of light oil on the key before inserting it into the keyway.  
Gloss Black  
DAR 9000  
C h a n g i n g t h e C o m B i n at i o n  
Hunter Green Metallic  
DAR 4108  
Your combination of the S & G® Mechanical Lock is pre-set at the  
factory. Changing the combination will void your lock warranty.  
If you must change the combination for some reason, contact a  
certified locksmith to do this for you.  
DAR 74004  
Sand Metallic  
Black Cherry  
Sherwin-Williams® 82128  
If touch up paint is needed other than that supplied by Browning, you  
can get it at an automotive paint supplier.  
k e y l o C k  
The keylock in your combination dial is used to lock the dial only. This  
is a convenience feature that allows you to lock your dial so that it will  
not accidentally rotate and lock while you are moving items into or out  
of your safe. The keylock also allows you to lock the dial while the safe  
is in the locked position. This prevents the dial from being turned  
while the safe is locked.  
IMPORTANT: The textured-finished safe paints are special formulas  
created by the manufacturer for Browning ProSteel safes and cannot  
be duplicated by an automotive paint store. These can be ordered by  
calling our consumer department at (800) 333-3288.  
d o o r C l o s u r e a d J u s t m e n t  
To lock your dial with the key, turn the dial until the “0” is resting in  
the 12 o’clock position, where the black line is located on the top of  
your dial ring and turn the key clockwise in the key lock.  
Browning ProSteel safes are shipped with molded door corner  
protectors installed between the door corner and the door frame.  
After removing the packaging from your safe, make sure to remove  
the protective corners and adjust the two door tension adjustment  
screws located inside of the door frame. The tension adjustment  
screws apply pressure against the locking bolts when the door is in  
the closed position. The tension adjustment screws should be adjusted  
until the door closes without play between the door and frame. Do  
not over-adjust the tension screws or your safe will not close. The  
locking bolts will hit the adjustment screws. A #3 Phillips screwdriver  
is required to adjust the tension screws.  
Should you lose your keys, replacement keys may be ordered with  
the serial number printed on the upper right-hand corner of the  
combination tag. Contact the Browning Consumer Department  
(page 22) to order additional keys. (Approximately $8 per key as  
of this owner’s manual printing.)  
P a i n t  
Painted exteriors should be cleaned with a damp soft cotton cloth only.  
Do not use solvents or any other chemicals to clean your safe’s painted  
surfaces. If you should scratch or chip the paint on your safe, a touch  
up bottle with brush is included inside your safe (not all models).  
This bottle should be adequate for most scratches incurred during  
installation. Touch up paint is also available by contacting Browning.  
However, due to increased regulations restricting the sending of paint  
through the mail, Browning has also provided the Delstar® paint  
numbers for the paint colors available on our standard safes.  
f i r e s e a l  
The black plastic strip attached to the edge of your safe door or frame  
is a fire seal that expands to seal the door when heated by a fire. If you  
live in an area with high humidity, you will not want your door to  
close tightly against this seal. Air must circulate through your safe or  
condensation will form on your firearms causing rust. Loosen the  
door just enough to allow some exchange of air. An electric  
dehumidifier is highly recommended if your average daily relative  
humidity is above 20 percent.  
figure 5  
pliers and lift up. The shelves can be relocated along this track by  
simply relocating the clips to the desired shelf location. To replace a  
clip, insert the top lip of the clip into the appropriate slot in the track,  
squeeze the clip together and insert the bottom lip of the clip into the  
track. It is important that all clips supporting a particular shelf are  
located at the same height to ensure that the shelf sits level.  
h i n g e s  
Your door height is adjusted at the  
factory and should not require any  
adjustment when new. However,  
hinge adjustment bolts are located  
on the bottom of each hinge to  
allow you to make adjustments over  
time (Figure 5). This allows you to  
raise and lower the door slightly as  
needed. Rotating the Allen bolt  
counterclockwise (looking down at  
the hinge) raises the door on its  
hinges. Both Allen bolts (top and  
bottom hinges) should be turned  
the same amount when adjusting  
the door. (Not applicable on  
Notice! The gun rack is fragile and can easily be broken when  
aTTempTing To remove iT or insTall iT in a new locaTion. do noT  
aTTempT To remove The gun rack by forcing iT ouT of The  
reTainer clips. remove all Top clips before aTTempTing To move  
The gun rack. supporT The enTire widTh of The gun rack before  
removing iT.  
fa C t o ry i n s ta l l e d i n t e r i o r l i g h t s  
Some safes include a factory-installed interior light package located in  
the ceiling of the safe.  
adjusting the hinges.  
Compact Series safes.)  
s h e a r P i n  
The inTerior lighT bulbs are hoT. To reduce The risk of fire,  
damage, or injury please noTe The following:  
The handle shaft of some safe models is attached to the locking  
mechanism with a shear pin. The shear pin will snap if excessive force  
is applied to your safe handle (approximately 175 ft/lb.). This feature  
provides additional security against attempted break in. If the shear  
pin is broken, the handle will spin within the safe door and you will  
not be able to open your safe. Contact the Browning ProSteel Safe  
Warranty Service line toll free at (877) 501-7233, ext. 14 for assistance  
with replacement of the handle shear pin.  
• BulB gets hot quickly. Do not touch lens, guarD or  
enclosure. Touch only The power swiTch/plug when  
Turning on.  
• keep comBustiBles away from interior lights.  
• Do not operate the lights if DamageD, without the  
compleTe bulb (lamp) enclosure in place or if bulb  
enclosure is damaged.  
s h e l f a d J u s t m e n t  
• Do not look Directly at lighteD BulB.  
Prior to adjusting any shelf, first remove all items from that shelf.  
Your shelves are held in place by several clips that secure them to four  
“tracks” on the safe interior. Some are above the shelves and some are  
below. To remove a clip, squeeze it together with hand pressure or  
• keep all items at least 3" from lighTs.  
failure To follow These warnings could resulT in serious  
injury, deaTh or cause damage To The safe or belongings.  
B u l B r e P l a C e m e n t  
C a r P e t  
Prior to replacing a bulb, turn the light switch off and  
unplug the light. Allow the bulb to cool before replacing.  
The key to removing stains from your carpeted interior is to clean  
them as soon as they occur. Do not soak the carpeting with water to  
remove stains. Small amounts of water can permanently damage the  
fire-resistant materials within your safe if the water is allowed to soak  
into the carpeted areas. Use any household carpet spot remover to  
clean up stains. Follow the directions on the product itself.  
Twist lens cover counterclockwise.  
Use only Type JCDGY8 20 watt 120 volt halogen bi-pin  
replacement light bulbs.  
Notice! do noT Touch The bulb aT any Time. use a dry sofT clean  
cloTh To Touch bulb while replacing.  
d P X a n d d P h s y s t e m i n t e r i o r m at e r i a l s  
Several other materials are used in the construction of the patented  
DPX Storage System and the DPH Storage System. No specific  
maintenance is required for these systems, and they can be spot  
cleaned using mild detergent and water on a clean cloth. Care should  
be taken to avoid excessive pulling on sewn seams as items are added  
to or removed from the pockets, pouches and loops of the DPX and  
DPH systems.  
Make sure the replacement bulb is installed correctly. (If you have  
questions contact customer service.)  
Remove soft cloth from new replacement bulb before putting lens  
cover back on.  
Replace lens cover with a clockwise motion.  
C a r e  
s a f e B o d y  
The safe interior should always be loaded before storing any firearms  
on the DPX door rack to prevent tipping or weight imbalance.  
h a n d l e  
All Browning ProSteel safe paint finishes are designed for indoor  
use only. Use a damp rag to wipe down the surface of the safe. If  
something other than water is needed, a very mild soap solution may  
be used. However, only water should be used around the detailing  
areas. Care should be taken around the art scene, pinstripe, corners or  
logo to avoid catching and peeling any edges with the cleaning cloth.  
Some chemicals or abrasive cleaners can damage gold, brass or  
chrome handle finishes. The spokes, handle and hub on your safe  
should be cleaned only with a soft, damp cloth. No abrasives or  
chemicals of any kind should be used.  
l o C k i n g B o lt s  
a rt s C e n e  
The tolerances between your locking bolts and the safe body and door  
are very tight. Because they fit so tightly, it may be necessary from  
time to time to place a small amount of Teflon® lubricant on the  
bottom of each bolt with the bolts in the extended position.  
If your safe was manufactured with our exclusive art scene transfer  
process you must take particular care not to clean your safe with any  
ammonia-based cleaners. Glass cleaners like Windex® can permanently  
damage the art scene and other portions of the safe detailing package.  
Do not attach anything to the body or detailing materials with tape.  
Tape may remove the art scene, paint and other portions of the  
detailing package.  
m i r r o r i n t e r i o r  
If your safe is equipped with an interior mirror on the back panel,  
use only rubbing alcohol or distilled water and a soft cloth to clean  
the mirror.  
(for destinations in the continental United States). Should any defect  
be noted, the purchaser agrees to inform ProSteel in writing before  
any work is performed. For consumers in Canada, please contact  
Browning Canada. For consumers in Europe or the United Kingdom,  
please contact Browning International S.A.  
Notice! follow only The recommended cleaning procedures and  
use only The recommended cleaning maTerials. failure  
To follow This informaTion could cause your mirror To  
become cloudy.  
wa r r a n t y s e r V i C e  
IMPORTANT: All repair work claimed under this warranty must be  
approved by the manufacturer prior to repair. Any unauthorized  
repair, dismantling, or tampering with the locking mechanism shall  
nullify this warranty.  
If you experience any problems with your Browning ProSteel safe,  
please contact our warranty service hotline. We want you  
to be completely satisfied with your safe. Your dealer cannot provide  
warranty service for this product.  
Neither ProSteel Security Products nor Browning will be liable for  
consequential or incidental damages or expenses. This warranty is in  
lieu of any other warranty from ProSteel Security Products or  
Browning, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to,  
any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.  
All warranty service must be pre-authorized by ProSteel.  
Have your safe serial number and your proof of purchase in  
hand prior to calling the warranty service number. No assistance  
can be provided without your serial number. Please call toll free  
at (877) 501-7233, ext. 14  
This warranty gives you legal rights. You may also have other rights,  
which vary from state to state.  
l i m i t e d m at e r i a l s a n d  
w o r k m a n s h i P wa r r a n t y  
For more information regarding your warranty, please contact:  
ProSteel Security Products  
Customer Service Dept.  
1400 South State  
PO Box 977  
Provo, UT 84603  
ProSteel warrants your safe to be free from defective materials and  
workmanship for five years from the date of original purchase with  
the exception of the combination lock (which carries a five-year  
warranty from the lock manufacturer) and any electrical or lighting  
accessories (which carry a 90-day warranty). This warranty does not  
apply to damage or loss resulting from accident, alteration, misuse,  
unauthorized entry or improper installation, damage resulting from  
exposure to moisture and/or condensation, nor does it cover wear or  
scratching of paint or plating.  
(877) 501-7233, ext.14  
For customers in Canada, please contact:  
Browning Canada Sports Ltd./Ltée  
5583 Chemin St Francois  
St Laurent, Quebec  
Canada H4S1W6  
(514) 333-7261  
If the product should become defective within the warranty period,  
ProSteel will repair or replace it (at ProSteel’s discretion) free of  
charge. A replacement safe or part will be shipped curbside delivery  
For customers in Europe or the United Kingdom, please contact:  
n o t e s  
Browning International S.A.  
Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts  
3eme Avenue #25  
4040 Herstal, Belgium  
00 32 4 240 52 11  
For non-warranty questions, contact Browning at:  
Browning Consumer Department  
One Browning Place  
Morgan, UT 84050  
(800) 333-3288  
P r o s t e e l f i r e a n d B r e a k - i n  
l i m i t e d wa r r a n t y  
ProSteel will repair or replace (at ProSteel’s option) free of charge any  
ProSteel manufactured safe produced after January 1, 2006 that is  
damaged during an attempted break-in, a successful break-in or by a  
fire during the lifetime of the original consumer purchaser provided  
the purchaser’s homeowners insurance does not cover the claim. The  
safe must be returned to the factory along with a report by the  
investigating police or fire department, documentation from the  
purchaser/policyholder’s insurance company stating that the claim is  
not covered, and proof of purchase. For safes in the continental  
United States, ProSteel will arrange for and cover the shipping costs  
both to and from the factory and any locksmith costs necessary to  
open the safe. A comparable new safe or the repaired safe will be  
returned to the owner (curbside delivery).  
IMPORTANT: This offer specifically excludes the contents of the safe.  
It also excludes damage to the safe due to acts of God, terrorism and  
war, and applies only to home/residential, non-commercial use of the  
safe. This offer does not apply to vault and Security Doors.  

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